Table of Time Saving Features
The table below show a comparison of the Time Saving features available in RCM Desktop. Expand any feature to link to a detailed full-page description. Click on the video link (where available) to see how to use this feature.
The star ratings against each feature show which are the best features for time-saving when facilitating....
The star ratings against each feature show which are the best features for time-saving when facilitating....
Special Advanced Facilitator View**
Special Advanced Facilitator View**
The Facilitate tab of the analysis editor window provides RCM facilitators with advanced productivity and ease-of-use features that enable facilitator to enter information "live" during analysis meetings.
The Facilitate view has many advanced features to permit rapid data entry and instant navigation within the RCM analysis. RCM Desktop provides the user with a great degree of control over how and what information is presented in the Facilitate tab - more detail |
"As 1A1" Copy: Alarms, Symptoms, Decision Responses, Redesigns, Maintenance Tasks
"As 1A1" Copy: Alarms, Symptoms, Decision Responses, Redesigns, Maintenance Tasks
Easily copy failure effect text from another failure mode - more detail
The video to the left shows "As 1A1" in action in the Advanced & Ultimate Editions: |
Decision Logic: "Go to Target"
Decision Logic: "Go to Target"
To save time (and many mouse clicks!), double-click on "Y" or "N" for any decision logic question and RCM Desktop automatically answers all preceding questions for you - more detail
The video shows this in action. |
Live Spell Check & Auto Correction
Live Spell Check & Auto Correction
Checks your spelling as you type with quick correction. Auto-correct spelling as you type is an extremely useful tool for defining time-saving shortcuts - more detail
"Drag & Drop" Moving & Copying
"Drag & Drop" Moving & Copying
Using the buttons in the "Analysis Navigator" and a built-in 'drag & drop' facility any analysis functions, functional failures and failure modes (including everything below the level selected) can be instantly moved or copied within the analysis or to another analysis - more detail
Worth Doing Calculator
Worth Doing Calculator
RCM Desktop has an advanced calculator for economic worth-doing calculations. The calculator even works "in reverse" so that it can calculate break-even MTBFs if the actual figure is not known - more detail
The full calculation (including all of its individual inputs) is saved to the database, along with a plain English write-up (or "mini report") that can be output in the Audit Report. |
"All-in-One" Audit Report
"All-in-One" Audit Report
A single-click audit report containing entire database contents for the selected analysis - more detail
The video to the left shows the "All-in-One" Audit Report contents and how to quickly customise the report. |
Decision Logic: Display
Decision Logic: Display
RCM Desktop Advanced & Ultimate Editions allows you to display the decision logic and zoom into the relevant box quickly in full view of each group member. This allows the facilitator to instantly remind and focus the group on the decision logic questions - more detail
Decision Logic: Validation
Decision Logic: Validation
RCM Desktop automatically checks whether the Decision Logic Question Responses for each Failure Mode are valid (ie if they are consistent with the Decision Logic) - more detail
This means that the Facilitator can see instantly at any time which Failure Modes do not have Valid Responses |
Links to Photos & Drawings
Links to Photos & Drawings
Link photographs and drawings to the analysis. They can be viewed within RCM Desktop during meetings and can be included in the audit report. - more detail
Decision Logic Response Supporting Comments
Decision Logic Response Supporting Comments
Record full audit trail comments for each question in the task selection logic. The video shows how the supporting comments can build an audit trail in the Advanced & Ultimate Editions - More detail
Export Maintenance Tasks
Export Maintenance Tasks
Easily export list of maintenance tasks for subsequent import into CMMS (in XLS, CSV, HTML and XML formats) - more detail
Analysis Renumbering
Analysis Renumbering
Advanced renumbering of functions, functional failures and failure modes to remove any gaps etc - more detail
The video shows renumbering in action in the Advanced & Ultimate Editions: |
User-Defined Reports
User-Defined Reports
Create your own reports or customise the built-in reports using a powerful, developer's report writer - more detail
Full SQL Access to the RCM Database
Full SQL Access to the RCM Database
RCM Desktop Ultimate Edition provides a form for entering and running SQL queries against the RCM database. SQL queries can be stored and retrieved for later use - more detail
Data Grids
Data Grids
Much of the data in RCM Desktop is displayed using a powerful grid view. This is a very powerful way to 'slice & dice' the data in the RCM database and display it in a format that can be printed via user-definable WYSIWYG reports - more detail
User-definable RCM Decision Logic*
User-definable RCM Decision Logic*
Users can define their own RCM decision or task selection logic or algorithm. The software comes with several "standard" ones already to use and it is likely that one of them will meet your requirements - more detail
Functions & Failures
Functions & Failures
Function text and functional failure text can be entered quickly - the function and functional failure references are added automatically - more detail
Comprehensive Maintenance Task Descriptions
Comprehensive Maintenance Task Descriptions
RCM Desktop allows the user to describe fully the maintenance tasks: long description of the task, safety precautions, materials and tools required, task duration and details of any supporting documentation - more detail
Built-in Reports: Function List, Failure Mode Summary, Decision Summary, WYSIWYG Grid Reports
Built-in Reports: Function List, Failure Mode Summary, Decision Summary, WYSIWYG Grid Reports
Predefined reports are built-in for Functions, Failures Modes, Decisions. All data grids (see video) can also be printed via user-definable WYSIWYG reports. - more detail
Database Backup and Restore
Database Backup and Restore
An easy-to-use tool is provided to (manually or automatically) backup the RCM database to any device at any time without having to shut down the program or disconnect from the database. The user can manually restore from a backup if disaster strikes - more detail
Copy Entire Analysis
Copy Entire Analysis
Easily copy an entire RCM analysis - this is particularly useful for using an analysis as a template for another analysis on a similar asset - more detail
Fault-finding Guide
Fault-finding Guide
Easily create and print an equipment fault-finding guide (based on failure mode symptoms and alarms). This is particularly useful for diagnosing failure modes on complex equipment - more detail
Spares Policy
Spares Policy
RCM Desktop enables the RCM facilitator to record and report on recommendations to change the existing/future spares policy against each failure mode - more detail
Criticality Assessment
Criticality Assessment
The RCM facilitator may assess and record the Criticality of each Failure Mode and the Priority of each Maintenance Tasks that may be associated with it. The criticality assessment is customisable to align with the user's criticality matrix and maintenance task priority matrix - more detail
Search & Replace
Search & Replace
Search for (and optionally replace) text in any part of an analysis - more detail
The video shows search and replace in action in the Advanced & Ultimate Editions: |
Spell Check
Spell Check
Check the spelling of text in any part of an analysis (in any language for which dictionaries are available) - more detail
The video shows spell checking in action in the Advanced & Ultimate Editions: |
Analysis Check-out / Check-in
Analysis Check-out / Check-in
Check out an analysis from the central RCM database. Work on it while you are away from base. Then check it back into the central RCM database when you return - more detail
Advanced Failure-finding Formulae
Advanced Failure-finding Formulae
Advanced calculators for determining intervals of failure-finding tasks for voting systems and when the task can cause failure - more detail
Links to External Documents
Links to External Documents
Link external documents/manual to the analysis. These documents can be opened directly from RCM Desktop - more detail
Worksheet View
Worksheet View
The Basic Edition of RCM Desktop displays a traditional "Information Worksheet" style view of your RCM Analysis - more detail
Asset Hierarchy
Asset Hierarchy
Maintain list of assets in hierarchical form and link the assets to their RCM analyses - more detail
Basic Failure-finding Formulae
Basic Failure-finding Formulae
Basic economic and risk-based calculators for determining intervals of failure-finding tasks - more detail
Import & Export RCM Analyses
Import & Export RCM Analyses
RCM Desktop allows the user to export RCM analyses to send to other user's databases and also import RCM analyses from other user's databases - more detail
Record Significant Findings
Record Significant Findings
RCM Desktop allows the user to record findings separately that are especially noteworthy or extremely significant. These are printed on their own page in the audit report - more detail
Analysis Properties
Analysis Properties
For each RCM analysis, users can record free-form comments and the names of the facilitator and the review group members - more detail
Analysis Diary
Analysis Diary
For each RCM analysis, users can keep a diary of all analysis activity and events - more detail
Company Information (including logo)
Company Information (including logo)
Enter your company name, address and logo for use on built-in reports - more detail
Record Documentation Errors
Record Documentation Errors
Record and print details of errors in drawings and other documentation - more detail
Record Queries & Actions
Record Queries & Actions
RCM Desktop allows the user to keep track of any unanswered questions and record the answers when known. Questions and actions can be assigned to group members keeping track of the "To-do" list - more detail
Analysis Status
Analysis Status
For each RCM analysis, users can set analysis status to track progress - this is particularly useful when managing large RCM projects. Choose from user-defined list - more detail
User Management (Multi-user Versions only)
User Management (Multi-user Versions only)
Create and manage RCM Desktop users (network version only) - more detail
(* = coming soon)