What Does RCM Desktop Do?
Written by RCM facilitators for RCM facilitators, RCM Desktop includes a large number of timesaving and ease-of-use features that significantly enhance facilitator productivity and enable efficient live data entry during RCM analysis meetings.
The overall purpose of the RCM Desktop software package is:
The overall purpose of the RCM Desktop software package is:
To enable the RCM Facilitator to manage all aspects of an RCM Analysis (using any RCM Task Selection Logic) and to document it live during analysis group meetings, eliminating the need for traditional flip charts. |
In order to help achieve the above, the software stores the following information:
1. The bare minimum required to conduct a basic RCM Analysis, as follows:
1. The bare minimum required to conduct a basic RCM Analysis, as follows:
- Analysis-level information, such as title, group members, equipment analysed
- List of equipment Functions (numbered sequentially, starting at 1)
- List of Functional Failures for each Function (lettered sequentially within each function, starting at A)
- List of Failure Modes for each Functional Failure (numbered sequentially within each functional failure, starting at 1)
- Failure Effects for each Failure Mode
- RCM Analysis group's answers to the Decision Logic for each Failure Mode
- RCM Analysis group's decision on how to manage each Failure Mode, including:
- Scheduled Maintenance Task details (task, its interval and who does it)
- Redesign details.
2. Additional information required for more advanced RCM Analysis and to support other functions, as follows:
- Analysis diary
- Significant Findings associated with an Analysis
- Outstanding Questions associated with an Analysis
- Links to external documents and photographs
- Errors found in equipment documentation and drawings
- Symptoms and Alarms associated with Failure Modes
- Contingency Actions associated with Failure Modes
- Numerical data (eg Life, MTBF, P-F Interval) associated with Failure Modes
- Additional information supporting Scheduled Tasks (eg comprehensive task description, safety precautions, materials required, etc)
- Numerical data supporting Worth Doing calculations associated with Failure Modes that have economic consequences
- Numerical data supporting Failure-Finding calculations associated with Failure Modes that have hidden consequences
- Data to support Criticality Assessment
- Supporting Comments for each answer to a Decision Logic question
- Lookup lists of commonly-used items (eg Skills, Redesign Types, etc)
- Hierarchical list of company assets